Vultr vs. Linode

March 14, 2022

Introduction: Let's Get Cloud-y!

Are you considering using cloud hosting for your business? Good idea! It can save you time, money, and resources. However, with so many cloud hosting providers out there, it can be hard to choose the right one. That's where we come in!

Today we will compare two of the most popular cloud hosting providers: Vultr and Linode. We'll look at the speed, price, and features of each one so that you can make an informed decision.


When it comes to cloud hosting, speed is important. No one wants to wait for slow loading times, especially when it comes to important business tasks. Here is how Vultr and Linode compare in terms of speed:

  • Vultr: According to independent tests, Vultr has an average response time of 28ms. This is considered very fast, making Vultr an excellent option for high traffic websites and applications.
  • Linode: Similarly, Linode has an average response time of 22ms. This puts Linode ahead of Vultr, making it an excellent option for businesses that require lightning-fast speeds.


Price is another important factor when it comes to choosing a cloud hosting provider. Here is how Vultr and Linode compare in terms of cost:

  • Vultr: Vultr has a very competitive pricing model. Their Basic Plan starts at just $2.50 per month and includes 512MB of RAM, 10GB of storage, and 500GB of bandwidth.
  • Linode: Linode's pricing model is similar to Vultr's. Their Basic Plan starts at $5 per month and includes 1GB of RAM, 25GB of storage, and 1TB of transfer.

It's worth noting that while Vultr's Basic Plan is cheaper, Linode's Basic Plan includes more resources.


Finally, let's look at the features of each cloud hosting provider:

  • Vultr: Vultr offers a wide range of features, including high-performance SSDs, 100% Intel CPUs, and a user-friendly control panel. Vultr also offers a powerful API for developers.
  • Linode: Similarly, Linode offers a range of features including SSD storage, Intel E5 processors, and a simple and intuitive control panel. Linode also offers a powerful API.

Overall, both Vultr and Linode offer a range of features that make them excellent options for cloud hosting.

Conclusion: The Final Verdict

So, which one should you choose? Ultimately, the choice comes down to your unique business needs. If you require lightning-fast speeds, Linode may be your best option. If you're on a tight budget, Vultr may be the way to go. Regardless of which one you choose, both Vultr and Linode are excellent cloud hosting providers that you can trust.


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